What Is A Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist?
One of the most difficult times for a family is having to finalize the estate of a loved one who has passed away. While the process of every probate case follows routine procedures, every case has its unique circumstances and complications. The role of a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES) is to understand and manage these complications to bring closure to the estate.
Kimberly Dotseth is a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist and is available to help you in the most efficient way possible.

The Necessity of a Certified Probate Specialist
A Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist is essential to help the personal representative of the decedent to ensure the probate sale is completed successfully. Kimberly Dotseth understands the challenges that can occur and works with the personal representative to alleviate as many concerns as possible throughout the process. The reality is the probate process can be extensive, depending on the circumstances, but Kimberly Dotseth works behind the scenes as much as possible to resolve any issues.
A probate case is much different from a standard estate sale, so relying on the expertise of Kimberly Dotseth is essential. As a probate specialist, she is always available to work with the personal representative of the decedent and is an expert when it comes to California’s probate process.
How We Can Help
While there may be some complications with the decedent’s family, especially if a will or living trust was not created, Kimberly Dotseth works behind the scenes to ensure the process is handled as smoothly as possible.
Probate real estate is extremely demanding – let the expert handle it! A Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist will understand all of the complications in any case and work through the best practices and requirements to bring a peaceful closure to the estate.
Working with Kimberly Dotseth will make the process much less stressful for all parties involved, so contact her today to make the difficult process easier.